











Empowering Individuals and Businesses To Compare Over 80+ Loan Options.

  • You Take Control Over Your Loan Choices
  • Get Matched in Minutes.

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Get Your Personalised Quote!

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Poor credit history?

We understand that things happen in life that can cause you to have a credit score that is low. We also understand that to get back on track with your credit that you need to be approved for finance. We help everyday Australians like you to get their credit scores headed in the right direction.

Understanding your situation

Our initial chat is about understanding you and your situation. We will not apply for finance without your express permission, understanding and agreement. This is important. When you have bad credit your credit score needs to be protected.

Weighing up all options

We won’t apply for the finance if we do not believe it is suitable for you and your circumstances. Some people are desperate for finance and will take anything they are offered. This can lead to hardship and a worse credit score than when you started. We’re going to be really upfront with you and tell you how it is.

No fraudulent information

We won’t accept anyone who provides fraudulent information or documentation. This is important. Providing false information will lead to us canceling your enquiry and fraud will be reported to the relevant authorities. We want to work with you to get you a result, so ensuring we know the facts will help us get you there.

Poor credit history?

We understand that things happen in life that can cause you to have a credit score that is low. We also understand that to get back on track with your credit that you need to be approved for finance. We help everyday Australians like you to get their credit scores headed in the right direction.

Understanding your situation

Our initial chat is about understanding you and your situation. We will not apply for finance without your express permission, understanding and agreement. This is important. When you have bad credit your credit score needs to be protected.

Weighing up all options

We won’t apply for the finance if we do not believe it is suitable for you and your circumstances. Some people are desperate for finance and will take anything they are offered. This can lead to hardship and a worse credit score than when you started. We’re going to be really upfront with you and tell you how it is.

No fraudulent information

We won’t accept anyone who provides fraudulent information or documentation. This is important. Providing false information will lead to us canceling your enquiry and fraud will be reported to the relevant authorities. We want to work with you to get you a result, so ensuring we know the facts will help us get you there.


Our lending partners

Just a few of the leading lending partners that we match and compare

Our process

1. Get your quote

Get your personalized quote in minutes! Simply upload your supporting documents and sign our privacy agreement, and we’ll hit the ground running.

2. Submit for approval

Once you’ve submitted your application, our finance experts will meticulously review it and ensure the highest chance of approval before proceeding.

3. Approve

When approved, it’s time to celebrate! Our process doesn’t stop at approval – we’ll swiftly prepare your loan documents for signing, ensuring funds reach you, the dealership, or private seller within 24 hours.

4. Contracts & settle

Once we’ve secured your approval and received all the necessary documents, it’s go time! Our loan wizards will work their magic and prepare your spellbinding loan documents for signing. Before you can say abracadabra, we’ll whisk away the funds to you, the dealership, or even that elusive private seller within a mere 24 hours.

Our process

1. Get your quote

Get your personalized quote in minutes! Simply upload your supporting documents and sign our privacy agreement, and we'll hit the ground running.

2. Submit for approval

Once you've submitted your application, our finance experts will meticulously review it and ensure the highest chance of approval before proceeding.

3. Approve

When approved, it's time to celebrate! Our process doesn't stop at approval - we'll swiftly prepare your loan documents for signing, ensuring funds reach you, the dealership, or private seller within 24 hours.

4. Contracts & settle

Once we've secured your approval and received all the necessary documents, it's go time! Our loan wizards will work their magic and prepare your spellbinding loan documents for signing. Before you can say abracadabra, we'll whisk away the funds to you, the dealership, or even that elusive private seller within a mere 24 hours.

Get started now

Car finance  Personal business

Poor loan car finance

poor loan car finance

Complete the form and one of our experts will be in touch sahortly to help you compare great car loans from some of the leading lenders in Australia.

It is not just about the rate, we find and compare car finance options that best suit your needs including the term, fees and charges. Our aim is to fit your budget including allowing for the running costs of the car with flexible 1-7 year terms available.

We are there for you from the moment you enquire to after you pick up your new wheels. Our team makes it easy with our simple 3 step process to get you into your car sooner

Our initial chat is about understanding you and your situation. We will not apply for finance without your express permission, understanding and agreement. This is important. When you have bad credit your credit score needs to be protected.

We won’t apply for the finance if we do not believe it is suitable for you and your circumstances. Some people are desperate for finance and will take anything they are offered. This can lead to hardship and a worse credit score than when you started. We’re going to be really upfront with you and tell you how it is.

We won’t apply for the finance if we do not believe it is suitable for you and your circumstances. Some people are desperate for finance and will take anything they are offered. This can lead to hardship and a worse credit score than when you started. We’re going to be really upfront with you and tell you how it is.

We understand that things happen in life that can cause you to have a credit score that is low. We also understand that to get back on track with your credit that you need to be approved for finance. We help everyday Australians like you to get their credit scores headed in the right direction.