











Empowering Businesses To Compare Over 80+ Loan Options.

  • You Take Control Over Your Loan Choices
  • Get Matched in Minutes.

Get Your Personalised Quote!

Get the right loan for your business!

Step 1 of 3


Get Your Personalised Quote!

Get the right loan for your business!

Step 1 of 3



Our lending partners

Just a few of the leading lending partners that we match and compare

How can I secure financing for my business?

This is a common question among business owners who are either starting out or looking to expand their operations. Acquiring funding, especially without significant equity or an extensive trading history, can be challenging.

At Journey Finance, we specialise in providing business finance options tailored to the needs of small businesses. Our goal is to assist them in growing their enterprises and navigating through tough financial situations. As a leading online lender for small businesses, we have successfully supported numerous clients, providing them with substantial funds for their short-term business finance needs.

Why choose Journey Finance for your business finance? 

Embracing modern borrowing methods: With Journey Finance by your side, you no longer need to compromise or miss out on opportunities. Our hassle-free application process ensures a seamless borrowing experience. Within a short timeframe, you could have access to funds to support your business growth and cash flow needs. We are committed to making borrowing easier for you. 

A trusted online lender for small businesses: Journey Finance is a reputable and trusted partner for your financing needs. We have extensive experience and expertise in providing financial solutions to small businesses, making us a reliable choice for your borrowing requirements.

What Journey Finance offers?

Choice: We provide the flexibility to borrow up to $500K, and our streamlined application process takes just 10 minutes. You can expect a fast decision, and if approved, funds could be available to you within 24 hours. 

Support: At Journey Finance, we understand the value of personal connections. Our team of Business Lending Specialists is dedicated to helping you obtain the financing you require as quickly as possible. You can rely on their expertise and assistance throughout the borrowing process. 

Confidence: Many small businesses have already benefited from partnering with Journey Finance. By choosing us, you join a community of successful borrowers who have trusted us with their financial needs

Empowering you and your business with flexible finance

At Journey Finance, we believe in the power of technology and personalised service to transform the lending experience for small businesses. Let us help you secure the financing you need to take your business to new heights.

Our process

1. Get your quote

Get your personalized quote in minutes! Simply upload your supporting documents and sign our privacy agreement, and we’ll hit the ground running.

2. Submit for approval

Once you’ve submitted your application, our finance experts will meticulously review it and ensure the highest chance of approval before proceeding.

3. Approve

When approved, it’s time to celebrate! Our process doesn’t stop at approval – we’ll swiftly prepare your loan documents for signing, ensuring funds reach you, the dealership, or private seller within 24 hours.

4. Contracts & settle

Once we’ve secured your approval and received all the necessary documents, it’s go time! Our loan wizards will work their magic and prepare your spellbinding loan documents for signing. Before you can say abracadabra, we’ll whisk away the funds to you, the dealership, or even that elusive private seller within a mere 24 hours.

Our process

1. Get your quote

Get your personalized quote in minutes! Simply upload your supporting documents and sign our privacy agreement, and we'll hit the ground running.

2. Submit for approval

Once you've submitted your application, our finance experts will meticulously review it and ensure the highest chance of approval before proceeding.

3. Approve

When approved, it's time to celebrate! Our process doesn't stop at approval - we'll swiftly prepare your loan documents for signing, ensuring funds reach you, the dealership, or private seller within 24 hours.

4. Contracts & settle

Once we've secured your approval and received all the necessary documents, it's go time! Our loan wizards will work their magic and prepare your spellbinding loan documents for signing. Before you can say abracadabra, we'll whisk away the funds to you, the dealership, or even that elusive private seller within a mere 24 hours.

Get started now